About SBI Art Auction


Enriching Your Lives through Art

Japan's unique view of nature has provided the background for discovering beauty in the midst of everyday life
and has fostered the development of profound thought and a distinctive culture that it can proudly display to the world.
In keeping with this philosophy, it is also heartily recommended
that you surround yourself with art for it can improve the quality of your life.

In addition, rare, high-quality artworks are recognized worldwide as valuable assets,
but their qualities as assets do not lie only in their being commercial products with monetary value.
Instead, they have very special qualities, such as their historical contexts or the meaning or messages contained in the works.

SBI provides a wide variety of services corresponding to our clients' needs,
including auctioning, brokering private sales, financing, and consulting.
Our aim is to ensure that more people come to appreciate the pleasure, importance, and fun of owning artworks,
while at the same time helping them to keep their artworks in good condition over the long term and pass them along to the next generation.


Our Art Auction Business

Our Art Auction Business

SBI Art Auctions holds public auctions four or five times a year, and anyone from anywhere in the world may participate, whether based in Japan or overseas.
The auction is arranged to present fine works of contemporary art created in and after the twentieth century, as well as modern art, photography, design, and crafts that can adorn and enrich the lives of a wide variety of clients.
The current auction participants include nationals of more than 50* countries, and we are proud of being Japan's most international auction, since bids by overseas customers amount to about 40% of the title.
In recent years, overseas clients are not only bidding on artworks but also increasingly submitting them for sale. This trend has shored up out position in both the Japanese and global art markets.
*As of 2018

We would be happy to provide specially-tailored services according to your particular needs. Click on the “For Corporation” or “For Individual” buttons under “Service” in the menu bar above for details. Should you have further questions or requests, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

SBI Art Auction Co., Ltd.

TEL: +81-3-3527-6692

Mail: artauction@sbigroup.co.jp