PRESS - 2024.06.19
“ART×SAKE” Thursday Lates Powered by SAKEJUMP Indulge in sake made by young brewers and modern & contemporary art masterpieces!

SBI Art Auction is delighted to announce "Thursday Lates Powered by SAKEJUMP" on Thursday, July 4, 2024, at the Daikanyama Hillside Forum. We aim to go beyond providing a place for selling and buying artworks to become a platform that offers special experiences and connections to art lovers. As part of our efforts, we have planned this event from the angle of ART x SAKE. The sequence of brewing, distribution, and consumption of sake strongly reflect the uniqueness of the region and its local climate and customs. Furthermore, the culture related to sake, which has been nurtured by the creativity and dedication of its brewers, is profound. We believe that exploring this sake culture shares similarities with the fascination of engaging with art, offering a rich tapestry of traditions and innovations to discover and appreciate. SAKEJUMP is an organization which has been dedicated to promoting the fine taste of sake, its culture, and especially, enthusiastic thoughts and activities of young brewers, to the wider world, and SBI Art Auction shares similar aspirations with SAKEJUMP, which endeavors to revitalize the contemporary art and market in Japan, although we are both in different fields of business. Inspired by the hometowns of the artists who will be featured in the July sale, we have curated a selection of 12 different types of sake from emerging sake breweries from all over Japan, from Tohoku to Kyushu. By extending the opening hours of the auction preview and providing an opportunity to enjoy sake together with art, we hope to expand the relationship between art and sake, and to introduce sake culture to visitors to Japan during the Tokyo Art Week in the summer, including Tokyo Gendai Art Fair. We are looking forward to welcoming you to this event (Admission is free!).
■ART×SAKE – Highlights
The following highlights include four of the twelve different varieties of sake which will be offered at this event.
We will also present works by artists from the area where the brewery is located.
1.【IWATE Prefecture】SUGA Kishio x "innocent" made by Kikunotsukasa Sake Brewery
Artist Biography: SUGA Kishio

Lot 035
Kei Saku
Estimate ¥400,000- 700,000
Born in Iwate in 1944. After graduating from Tama Art University with a degree in painting, he became a central figure in the "Mono-ha"(School of Things) around 1970. He questioned Western artistic theoritical tendencies such as "art is about images," as well as a predominant method of creating "things" in which "images" prevailed. Under those circumstances he started focusing on the "things" which always exist prior to "images. "
Sake Description:"innocent" Kikunotsukasa Sake Brewery

With the concept of "a precious moment that only the brewers can experience," this Junmai-daiginjo Sake offers a fresh, fruity flavor.
2.【SHIZUOKA Prefecture】TIDE × "Haginishiki" made by Haginishiki Sake Brewery
Artist Biography:TIDE

Lot 149
Teddy boy
Estimate ¥4,000,000- 7,000,000
Born in Shizuoka in 1984. During his stay in Australia, he encountered works of Shigeru MIZUKI, known for "Gegege no Kitaro" and others, which led him to pursue a career in the art world. He began his full-scale activities in Tokyo in 2009, drawing attention with pointillism and pencil drawings, and later began using acrylic paints to create larger works. In 2021, he renamed from IDETATSUHIRO to TIDE.
Sake Description: "Haginishiki" Haginishiki Sake Brewery

The Toji (master brewer) depicts Haginishiki’s label based on what she feels from each year's sake brewing. The labels change every year to embody the sake brewing philosophy of continuous thinking and sensing.
3.【HYOGO Prefecture】YOKOO Tadanori × "QA" made by Miyake Sake Brewery
Artist Biography: YOKOO Tadanori

Lot 029
Giorgio de Chirico
Estimate ¥1,200,000- 1,800,000
Born in Hyogo in 1936. His activities are wide-ranging, including artist, graphic designer, printmaker, and writer. As a graphic designer, he worked for Kobe newspaper and became famous for his theater poster, etc. In 1980, he was impressed by the Picasso exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and declared himself a "painter" and has been actively working as a painter ever since. He is known as a person who had a close friendship with MISHIMA Yukio before his death.
Sake Description: "QA" Miyake Sake Brewery

QA (Que) is a sake that embodies the sincere spirit of the brewers who continually question and engage with the land's nature, and the taste of the rice brewed with the blessings of the local environment.
4.【YAMAGUCHI Prefecture】IMAZU Kei × "ROOM" made by Yachiyo Sake Brewery
Artist Biography: IMAZU Kei

Lot 103
Untitled 7
Estimate ¥500,000- 800,000
Born in Yamaguchi in 1980. She is currently based in Bandung, Indonesia. After graduating from Tama Art University, she received an honorable mention at "VOCA 2009" and since then has worked extensively in Japan and abroad. She is known for incorporating the latest technology into her work, using Adobe Photoshop and Dimension to create preliminary sketches, and then painting from these sketches.
Sake description: "ROOM" Yachiyo Sake Brewery

This sake has a gorgeous aroma reminiscent of the tropics and a gentle, elegant sweetness. Please enjoy a glass that will accompany your toast and make you feel even richer.
■Event Details
“Thursday Lates Powered by SAKEJUMP” Auction Preview Special Event
Date: Thursday July 4th, 2024
Time: 6:00PM-8:00PM (JST)
Venue: Daikanyama Hillside Forum
Entrance Fee: Free Entry (Please RSVP via the following URL in advance)
Entrance may be restricted depending on congestion.
List of breweries and products to be exhibited:
"innocent" Kikunotsukasa Sake Brewery
"narai" Suginomori Sake Brewery
"Haginishiki" Haginishiki Sake Brewery
"Konotsukasa" Shibata Sake Brewery
”KINO"Gensaka Sake Brewing
"QA" Miyake Sake Brewery
"Te to Te" Naminooto Sake Brewery
"Bentenmusume" Ota Sake Brewery
"ROOM" Yachiyo Sake Brewery
"UGO" Aihara Sake Brewery
"Oga" Oga Sake Brewery
"" Nakazawa Sake Brewery
Organizer: SBI Art Auction
Event URL:Will be released soon.
RSVP Form (Deadline: 6/24):
■What is SAKEJUMP?

"Wakate no Yoake (sakejump)" is a sake event that has been held since 2007, organized by brewery owners. In September 2022, camo took over the event, expanding and renewing it, now held mainly in Otemachi. To date, 143 breweries from 42 prefectures have participated. This event, the only one in the world where young brewers gather, has attracted significant attention and fostered a strong community among these brewers, leading to collaborative efforts such as supporting the revival of breweries affected by the Noto earthquake. This year, the event will be held from September 10-15, featuring over 60 breweries from around the world.
■SBI Art Auction

SBI Art Auction Co., Ltd. provides a wide variety of services corresponding to our clients' needs, including auctioning, brokering private sales, financing, and consulting. Our aim is to ensure that more people come to appreciate the pleasure, importance, and fun of owning artworks, while at the same time helping them to keep their artworks in good condition over the long term and pass them along to the next generation.
Company name: SBI Art Auction Co., Ltd.
Representative Director: FUJIYAMA Tomohiro
Address: TFT Building East Wing, 3-6-11 Ariake, Koutou-ku, Tokyo, 135-0063 JAPAN
Established: April 1, 2011
*Please be aware of impersonation attempts mimicking our website
For press inquiries
SBI Art Auction Co., Ltd.
TFT Building East Wing, 3-6-11 Ariake, Koutou-ku, Tokyo, 135-0063 JAPAN
Tel: +81-3-3527-6692
SBI藝術拍賣將於2024年7月4日(星期四) 於東京代官山舉辦一場名爲「Thursday Lates Powered by SAKEJUMP」的特別活動。
本次7月拍賣特別准備了來自藝術家出生地,東北至九州的全國各地新進酒廠共12種日本酒。為了讓大家在欣賞藝術的同時品嘗到這些精選日本美酒,我們延長了預展的開放時間,期望擴大藝術與日本酒愛好者的交流。此外,我們希望此活動能成為Tokyo Gendai期間訪日者了解日本酒文化的絕佳機會。活動完全免費,熱烈歡迎大家踴躍報名參加。
■藝術×日本酒 精選
1.【岩手縣】菅 木志雄 × 「innocent」菊の司酒造

Lot 035
估價 JPY 400,000- 700,000

2.【靜崗縣】TIDE ×「萩錦」萩錦酒造

Lot 149
Teddy boy
估價 JPY 4,000,000- 7,000,000

3.【兵庫縣】横尾 忠則 × 「QA」三宅酒造

Lot 029
Giorgio de Chirico
估價 JPY 1,200,000- 1,800,000

4.【山口縣】今津 景 × 「ROOM」八千代酒造

Lot 103
Untitled 7
估價 JPY 500,000- 800,000

活動名稱:「Thursday Lates Powered by SAKEJUMP」
「Te to Te」浪乃音酒造
主辦:SBI Art Auction株式會社
登記表格 (截止日:6月24日(星期五)):

2022年9月,camo接手了自2007年起舉行的SAKEJUMP - 年輕釀酒師的祭典『若手の夜明け』,活動主要在大手町地區舉辦。迄今共有來自42個都道府縣的143家酒廠參展。至今,已有來自日本42個都道府縣的143家酒廠參加了這一盛會。這是全球唯一專門聚集年輕釀酒師的日本酒活動,每年都吸引廣泛的關注。此外,釀酒師團體也積極支持在震災中受損的能登酒廠,顯示出其對業界的深厚承諾和支持。
