
FRP polyester resin, urethane coating
179.0 × 224.0 × 188.0 cm (70½ × 88¼ × 74 in.)

Estimate¥500,000 - 1,000,000

Price Realized: ¥ 2,070,000 JPY

Provenance: Private collection

Exhibited: July 15 - August 31, 2005 "Gundam generating futures" Suntory Museum [Tempozan]; The Ueno Royal Museum; Sendai Mediatheque; Kawara Museum of Takahama City a Hometown of Ceramics; Sapporo Art Park; Kyoto International Manga Museum

Literature: "Gundam generating futures" Gundam Exhibition Committee, 2005, P.21

Condition: Good condition except minor scratch at one point in the center and paint peeling on the spins. The present work is made up of three parts and is designed to be installed at the corner of the exhibition space.

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