105.0 × 171.0 × 3.0 cm (41⅜ × 67⅜ × 1⅛ in.)
Estimate¥3,000,000 - 5,000,000
来歴: スカイザバスハウス、東京/ 個人蔵、日本
展覧会歴: 2008年2月14日-4月13日「液晶絵画展」三重県立美術館、三重; 4月29日-6月15日、国立国際美術館、大阪; 8月23日-10月13日、東京都写真美術館、東京
文献: 「液晶絵画展」朝日新聞社、2008年、P. 42-43、 No. 4-5
コンディション:良好です。問題ありません。 タイトル「Up till now I had been very lucky with the weather. Everyone had said that it was unusual to have such a hot, sunny spell this early in the year. Now a fine but constant rain was falling. The clouds were low and did not look likely to move. I knew I should hurry to catch the ferry but there was no other traffic on the road and I stopped by a boathouse on the lake shore. I slid down the wet grass with my digital video camera and tripod」